Attention Real Estate Investors!

"Seller and Property Analysis Form"

We use this form to Gather Information, Engineer Solutions and Make More Money!

Front Page

Gather Details

  • Seller Contact & Property Details

  • Interview Data based of 4-Pillars

    • Condition

    • Motivation

    • Timeline

    • Price

  • Gather mortgage info

  • Contains call script guide built into form

  • Easily enter the info while on the phone with the seller

  • Rate seller motivation level 1 to 5

  • Provides all numbers at a glance

    • Zestimate, ARV, Rent Rate, PITI, Anchor Price/Initial Offer & MOA

  • Section to craft pitch and exit plan

Back Page

Analyze Deal

  • Enter Target Property Details

  • Gather Summary of Sold Comps

    • After Repair Value (ARV)

    • As-Is

    • Rental

  • Calculation Sections

    • Monthly Cash Flow

    • Entry Fee

    • MAO


  • Interview Clients Better

  • Easily gather all data in one place.

  • Make decisions and form solutions easily

  • Excellent teaching tool

  • Joint Venture Deals with US

& Make More Money $